Helping Your Kids Be Active

Task 1 of 1: Video & Resources

What is the most important factor for getting kids active at home?

The short video below explains what you can do to help get your kids active.

Resources to help get your kids active

At iPLAY, we know that it's a real struggle to get some kids off the couch and moving around. Below are some resources which might help you win the battle.

Active Parent Education Kit

This informative resource provides a valuable summary of the benefits of physical activity for children as well as the most effective methods for keeping your children active and being involved as a parent.


Family Activation Pack - Teaching Fundamental Movement Skills

This resource includes detailed instructions for teaching your children how to perform fundamental movement skills as well as a number of games that require these skills.

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Healthy Eating - Recipe Ideas - Sport Techniques

This comprehensive resource includes valuable information regarding healthy eating, recipe ideas and hydration requirements for children. It also includes ideas for getting active and common sporting techniques such as hitting a tennis ball or shooting a basketball.


Screen Time and Kids

A recent poll from Melbourne showed that screen time was the number one health concern parents had for their children. We're here to help – below are some resources with strategies you can use to reduce your kids' screen time.

Screen-time Factsheet

This reource includes important facts about childrens' screen time behaviour.

iPlay Screen TIme Fact Sheet

Setting Screen-time Rules

This resource provides strategies for creating screen time 'rules' for your children as well as managing conflict that my arise. 

iPlay screen time rules

Want more resources?

The iPLAY Team are always adding new resources. If you'd like us to contact you when a new resource is available, please provide your email address below, and click the "finish" button at the bottom of the page.